E-readers, such as the Amazon kindle, are becoming more and more popular. Millions have been sold, and chances are you know somebody with one. If you're thinking of joining that club, you may want to do some research before deciding if this is the right device for you. The following are frequently asked questions about the kindle:
Do you have to buy a kindle in order to read Amazon ebooks?
No! In fact, a lot of people with iPads and other readers get apps so they can download kindle books because the Amazon store has such a large selection (and sometimes ebooks are cheaper there as well).
If you don't have an e-reader at all, you can still read kindle books. Google "kindle PC" or "kindle mac" to find Amazon's download page, and grab the software for free. Most smart phones also have kindle apps. Download one and then when you shop in the online bookstore, just click the tab to have your ebook "sent" to your kindle app (and you can even sync everything so you can read the same ebooks on your computer, phone, and ebook reader).
How much do ebooks cost? Are they less than traditional print books?
You can find a huge range, everything from free or 99 cents to .99 and up for new releases from mainstream authors. Self-published or indie authors tend to have lower priced offerings (just browse at Amazon to find loads of Body.99 to .99 ebooks in every genre and non-fiction as well), though quality can be hit or miss. Make sure to download the free sample before shelling out any money.
To find extra affordable offerings, try Smashwords.com. It's easy to browse for freebies there too. Whether you're looking for a thriller or a free fantasy ebook, you can find quite the selection there. While it's predominantly a marketplace for indie authors, some mainstream authors are e-publishing older titles where the rights have reverted back to them.
Can I read my kindle in the dark?
No. The screen isn't backlit, so it's more like reading an actual paperback book than a computer screen. This choice was made to emulate the true reading experience and also to keep people from developing the eye strain sometimes associated with looking at computer monitors.
Can you check ebooks out from the library and read them on the kindle?
Sadly, no. Not at this time. The kindle uses a different file format (mobi) than most online library pages offer. The epub format issued by libraries is compatible with Sony readers, iPads, nooks, etc., but you will have to download Calibre or some other software in order to convert a library ebook for kindle use (and it may not be possible at all if the ebook has DRM-digital rights management - a form of protection to keep people from sharing files).
Can you borrow or lend books to friends?
Amazon has recently implemented a lending program, though there are quite a few limitations. First off, you can only lend each title once (ever). Second, this is optional for publishers (and a lot of them aren't allowing it for now). Lastly, lending an ebook means you can't read it yourself during the 14-day period it's on loan.
Can you "gift" kindle books?
Yes. It took them a while to get the program online, but Amazon now lets you email electronic gift certificates for titles in their marketplace. Just make sure the person on the other end wants the book (a general gift certificate may be another choice), so your money isn't wasted.
Can you sell your titles when you're done with them?
No, unfortunately there's no "used ebook market" for kindle offerings.
Can you change font size?
Yes, this is one of the more appealing features about e-readers. If you prefer to read without your glasses or you're just more comfortable with a larger font, it's only a matter of touching a button to increase or decrease text size.
Can you read PDF files on the kindle?
Yes, but you can't adjust the font, so PDFs aren't as reader-friendly as mobi files.
Is paying for the 3G kindle worth the money, and does the service cost extra each month?
There are no monthly fees associated with the 3G kindle. If you travel a lot and like the idea of being able to download books anywhere you can use your cell phone, then you may like this feature. That said, it's not all that hard just to do your shopping when you're somewhere with wifi (home, coffee shop, library, etc.), so if you're looking to save , just go with the wifi version.
Can you buy a used kindle and get someone else's ebooks?
Yes and no. You can sell your old model kindle or buy one from someone else, but the ebooks on that device that were purchased from the Amazon store will disappear once the kindle is registered to a new account.
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